doc. Dr. habil. MA PhDr. Petra Guasti, Ph.D.
doc. Dr. habil. MA PhDr. Petra Guasti, Ph.D.

- Department of Political Science
Rooms: No. C515, Jinonice, building C
ResearcherID: AAH-3373-2021
Scopus Author ID: 56153464500
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-7129-1827
Rok vydání
- Zulianello M., & Guasti P. (2024). Capire il Populismo. UTET Universita.
Chapters in monographs
- Guasti P., Malý M., & Michal A. (2024). Crisi e populismo: il caso della Slovacchia. Capire il populismo (pp. 135-137).
- Guasti P. (2024). Populismo e tecnocrazia: opposti complementari. Capire il Populismo (pp. 53-57).
- Guasti P., Michal A., & Malý M. (2024). Risposte socialdemocratiche al populismo: un’analisi comparata. Capire il populismo (pp. 152-155).
- Guasti P., & Mansfeldova Z. (2023). Regularity and Instability: Coalition Governments in Czechia 2008-2022. Coalition Politics in Central Eastern Europe: Governing in Times of Crisis (pp. 68-93).
- Guasti P., & Perottino M. (2024). Zeitgeist antiestablishment à la française. Capire il Populismo (pp. 132-134).
- Guasti P., & Mansfeldová Z. (2021). Tschechien: Herausforderungen durch Polarisierung und Machtfusion. Demokratie im postkommunistischen EU-Raum: Erfolge, Defizite, Risiken (pp. 175-191).
- Bustikova L., & Guasti P. (2024). Migration and right-wing mobilization in the Czech Republic. Migration and Nationalism: Theoretical and Empirical Perspectives (pp. 197-222).
- Guasti P., & Bustikova L. (2022). Pandemic power grab. East European Politics, 38(4), 529-550. UT-WOS link
- Guasti P., & Bílek J. (2022). The demand side of vaccine politics and pandemic illiberalism. East European Politics, 38(4), 594-616. UT-WOS link
- Guasti P., & Bustikova L. (2023). Varieties of Illiberal Backlash in Central Europe. Problems of Post-Communism, 70(2), 130-142. UT-WOS link
- Guasti P. (2021). Mosaic of the contemporary populist radical right: A review essay. European Journal of Cultural and Political Sociology [online], 8(3), 355-362.
- Guasti P. (2021). Democratic Erosion and Democratic Resilience in Central Europe during COVID-19. Mezinárodní vztahy, 56(4), 91-104. UT-WOS link
- Guasti P., & Geissel B. (2021). Claims of Representation: Between Representation and Democratic Innovations. Frontiers in Political Science [online], neuveden(neuveden), 1-12.
- Siefken S., Guasti P., Patzelt W., Akirav O., Coghill K., & Haupt P. (2021). Parlamente in der Pandemie: Erste Erkenntnisse aus einem international vergleichenden Forschungsvorhaben. Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen, 52(4), 878-895.
- Perottino M., & Guasti P. (2020). Technocratic Populism a la Française? The Roots and Mechanisms of Emmanuel Macron's Success. Politics and Governance [online], 8(4), 545-555. UT-WOS link
- Gagnon J., Asenbaum H., Fleuss D., Bussu S., Guasti P., Dean R., Chalaye P., Alnemr N., Marquardt F., & Weiss A. (2021). The Marginalized Democracies of the World. Democratic Theory, 8(2), 1-18. UT-WOS link
- Karolewski P., Libin X., Patapan H., Halmai G., Kutay A., Guasti P., & Scheuerman W. (2023). Carl Schmitt and Democratic Backsliding. Contemporary Political Theory, 22(3), 406-437. UT-WOS link